When searching for a personal loan, it can be helpful to compare several different offers to find the best interest rate and payment terms for your needs. With this comparison tool, you’ll just need to answer a handful of questions in order for Even Financial to determine the top offers for you. The service is free, secure and does not affect your

While there are no origination fees, Discover does charge a $39 late fee if you don’t make an on-time payment each month. Discover doesn’t charge a prepayment penalty, though, which means you can make extra payments to cut down on interest charges over the life of the loan.

If you’re approved for a debt consolidation loan, Discover can pay your creditors directly, which takes some of the hard work out of your hands.

as long as your application was submitted without any errors (and the loan was funded on a weekday). Otherwise, you’ll receive your funds no later than a week after approval.

And on top of all that, there is a little more flexibility when it comes to how much you can borrow — you can apply for as little as $1,500 and as much as $20,000. This makes OneMain Financial seem like an attractive option for people who need to borrow smaller amounts of money.