Best Ways to Determine If Car Loan Refinancing Is Right For You
Do you ever get that nagging feeling that maybe you could be getting a better deal on your auto loan? Refinancing a car loan...
Sullivan school , finance officials plan to meet to keep school system updated
BLOUNTVILLE — The release last week of the state’s annual audit of Sullivan County’s financial records has led to plans for meetings between county...
Sequence Of Returns Risk And How It Affects Your Retirement
Wow! Even Tom Brady is going back to work after experiencing sequence of returns risk after retiring. Playing for 23 years in the NFL...
Dear Penny: Can I Stop My Ex-Wife From Claiming Half My Social Security?
Dear R.,If your ex-wife earned more than you, she’d almost certainly get more money by taking her own Social Security. But even if you...
How to Invest in REITs to Build Your Portfolio
Want to invest in real estate but don’t have the money to buy a property or have no desire to be a landlord? There...
What Happens to Your Crypto When You Die?
Estate planning has long provided mechanisms for passing on bank accounts and retirement accounts such as IRAs and 401(k)s.In most cases, the owner designates...
Four Money Moves Every Woman Should Make for Financial Independence
If you’re a woman and have been worried about finances lately, you’re not alone.More than 60% of working women said they had to make...
Act Fast to Sell Gold Jewelry as the Price of Gold Skyrockets
Gold prices have been hovering around $2,000 per ounce after almost hitting the record high in early March and are expected to stay robust...
Cash App Review 2022: Pros and Cons
The way people bank, invest and manage money has been changing rapidly over the past few years, and Cash App is one of few...
Your Withdrawal Rate In Retirement Will Go Down In A Bear Market
One of the things I enjoy is debating with still employed people about the appropriate withdrawal rate in retirement. I like hearing about all...